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Coffee or caffeine consumption: Is it bad for you? What are its benefits?

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

What is caffeine and what does it do to the body?

Caffeine is a chemical found in coffee. We examined caffeine's impacts on the body for adults, children and pregnancy, as well as caffeine's role in disease development.

What is the difference between coffee and caffeine?

Coffee is a drink that contains caffeine [1, 2]. However, coffee also has a range of other chemicals and compounds [2]. Therefore, it is important not to directly correlate coffee's beneficial or worsening effects to caffeine without further investigation. Caffeine is also found in a variety of other soft drinks.

What effects does coffee have on the body?

Reduced risk for Type II Diabetes

Reduced risk for stroke

Varied effects on glucose metabolism

Benefit to physical functioning outcomes during aging ( 40 years old)

Varied effects in children under 12 years old

Increased risks during pregnancy

Let's protect ourselves from cardiovascular disease


[1] Cappelletti S, Daria P, Sani G, Aromatario M. Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug? Current Neuropharmacology. 2015;13(1):71-88.

[2] Obanda M, Owuor PO, Taylor SJ. Flavanol Composition and Caffeine Content of Green Leaf as Quality Potential Indicators of Kenyan Black Teas. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 1997;74(2):209-15.

[3] Van Dam RM, Hu FB. Coffee Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. JAMA. 2005;294(1):97.

[4] Isogawa A, Noda M, Takahashi Y, Kadowaki T, Tsugane S. Coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The Lancet. 2003;361(9358):703-4.

[5] Salazar-Martinez E, Willett WC, Ascherio A, Manson JE, Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, et al. Coffee Consumption and Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2004;140(1):1-8.

[6] Shao C, Tang H, Wang X, He J. Coffee Consumption and Stroke Risk: Evidence from a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of more than 2.4 Million Men and Women. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2021;30(1):105452.

[7] Reis CEG, Dórea JG, da Costa THM. Effects of coffee consumption on glucose metabolism: A systematic review of clinical trials. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2019;9(3):184-91.

[8] Mazeaud S, Castellana F, Coelho-Junior HJ, Panza F, Rondanelli M, Fassio F, et al. Coffee Drinking and Adverse Physical Outcomes in the Aging Adult Population: A Systematic Review. Metabolites. 2022;12(7):654.

[9] Torres-Ugalde YC, Romero-Palencia A, Román-Gutiérrez AD, Ojeda-Ramírez D, Guzmán-Saldaña RME. Caffeine Consumption in Children: Innocuous or Deleterious? A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(7):2489.

[10] Soltani S, Salari-Moghaddam A, Saneei P, Askari M, Larijani B, Azadbakht L, et al. Maternal caffeine consumption during pregnancy and risk of low birth weight: a dose–response meta-analysis of cohort studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2021:1-10.

[11] Ayoub A, Yaseen M. Relationship between caffeine or coffee consumption and Miscarriage: Findings from systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries. 2022;16(1).


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