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Nicotine & smoking: the effect on the vascular system. Warning signs

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Tobacco use is one of the most preventable causes of death worldwide [1].

Smoking increases an individual’s risk for a heart attack and stroke, as well as more long-term diseases such as kidney disease and impaired wound healing.

Nicotine, a chemical found in cigarettes, has a significant effect on the healthiness of the entire body’s circulatory system [2]. Damage to the circulatory system leads to many confounding diseases that either kill or permanently incapacitate an individual’s normal function and daily life [3].

What are the main effects of nicotine (and smoking) on my body?

Constriction of blood vessels

This means that your heart has to pump harder to compensate for the restriction in blood flow experienced, raising blood pressure and risk of other cardiovascular diseases [2].


Infection and impaired wound healing

Sexual dysfunction (WARNING SIGN)

Spontaneous heart (chest) pain

Promotes aneurysm bursts

Thus, the majority of the effects that smoking has on the body are through the primary damage to the circulatory system. However, sometimes, we are unaware of the warning signs.

Some common questions smokers need to be aware off:

I am sitting down. Why am I experiencing chest pain?

Why is it hard for me to get an erection?

Why am I more prone to infections?

Why is my blood pressure constantly high?

Smoking causes many diseases throughout the body, as well as death. It is best to avoid or stop smoking as soon as possible.

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